Cell Groups

Cell groups live out the CTK Core Value “Together in Life” by sharing joys and burdens, practicing spiritual disciplines, and enfolding others into the Family of God.

Cell Groups are gatherings of 5-10 families in a geographic area. The whole mission of Christ the King (all the cell groups) gathers together for Sunday Liturgy to celebrate the Eucharist. But the cell groups share life together throughout the week by cooking meals for one another when sickness visits a home, celebrating big achievements, grieving with each other during tragedy, challenging each other into deeper levels of piety, and imagining new ways to radiate the Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of King Jesus in the surrounding area. In addition to intentionally sharing life, cell groups also meet every two weeks in homes to eat together, pray Evening Prayer, and discuss how they can grow in Christ together. In a geographically dispersed mission, cell groups are a way to live out one of our core values of being “Together in Life.”

Currently, there are 8 cell groups: Marietta, Smyrna-Mableton (jokingly referred to as “Smyrbleton”), Kennesaw-Acworth, Powder Springs, North Atlanta, Canton East, Canton West, and Vinings. The end goal is that these cell groups would keep replicating until there are enough cells in a given local to plant a new church! Why? Because we believe that we were created to be local creatures. We believe people should live near their church and the people they worship with. Until that is a possibility, we have created cell groups.


Here is a dot spread of where CTK families live, as well as an overlay of our eight cell groups.